Amwell Systems - Embracing the need for BIM

Amwell Systems - Embracing the need for BIM

In a recent survey by Construction News (CN) “Culture change” was cited as the biggest issue companies faced when implementing BIM.

Embracing Change
At Amwell they are constantly focussed on embracing change within the industry, making it as easy as possible to specify their washroom products. With 72% of those surveyed by CN also commenting that it is “imperative to invest in BIM in the next 12 months” Amwell recognise how important it is to comply with this and as a manufacturer offer their customers the most comprehensive BIM models possible.

In-house designers and architects
Amwell's dedication is such that they employ an in-house team of architects and designers who for the last 12 months have been working tirelessly to produce detailed, user-friendly BIM models for all their washroom products using Revit 2012.

Offering the best models
Although the launch of their models couldn’t come quickly enough Amwell wanted to make sure they were the best they could be….so they took them on a road test.
Pick Everard in Leicester were pleased to accommodate this trial and Project Architect Chong Wong met with Amwell to drop them in to a current project he was working on to see how they fared. At the meeting Chong expressed that parameters within some manufacturers models can be confusing and not easy to use. But whilst trialling Amwell's Splash family, Chong commented “When I look at your models I know what I am getting” and that Amwell models were “comprehensive and user friendly”.

Fully invested for the future
With more than a ¼ of organisations now using BIM as a default solution, which is a statistic only set to rise rapidly in the coming months and years, Amwell are fully invested in a concentrated and continued BIM effort involving designing, creating, testing and modifying our families so we have the best washroom models the industry has to offer.

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