Attractive and effective glass flood wall installation

Attractive and effective glass flood wall installation

Flood Control International and the Environment Agency (EA) have completed the Wells Floodboard Replacement Scheme, with the installation of a new 1m high glass flood wall and sliding gate.

The existing 80m long flood defence comprised a low brick wall and an 18m long sliding barrier which were both topped with heavy timber floorboards which were installed in October and removed in April each year. The boards were very heavy, prone to rot and the 6-monthly lifting operation time consuming. When installed, the oak boards had a significant negative visual impact on the whole area, whilst maintaining the view across the harbour permanently, protecting 500 properties.

The solution utilised marine grade stainless steel supports and frames that were designed to sit over the existing post fixings, and toughened glass panels up to 4.2m long and 1m high, treated with a self-cleaning coating which requires minimal maintenance.

The design allows for impact loading as well as full hydrostatic pressure and showcases Flood Control International’s ingenuity in providing dependable flood protection solutions that meet every specific aspect of a client’s brief.

The glazed barrier sits on top of both the wall and the sliding barrier, with special posts fabricated so that when the sliding barrier is closed, there is a seamless watertight junction, completing the defence. The smooth line of the barrier and the maximised glazed area mean that the end result is a most attractive solution, providing effective permanent flood protection with the minimal visual intrusion.

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 Kilworthy Park, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 0FZ


Flood barriers Gates

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