Coloured radiators for Autism education [BLOG]

Coloured radiators for Autism education [BLOG]

Contour Heating's anti-ligature radiators have numerous safety benefits, which make them an excellent choice for your autism unit. If you’d like to read more on these safety benefits, they have a range of article for you to read:

Why Are Anti-Ligature Radiators Suited For Autism Education?
5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Anti-Ligature Radiators For Your SEN School

Colour psychology examines the impact of hues on human behaviour and well-being, and this has never been more important than in a specialist autism unit, where senses are heightened, and behaviours are closely monitored.

Sensory overload

Children and adults with autism tend to have heightened senses. Sights, sounds, smells, touch, sunlight and colour can have various pronounced effects on people with autism. In other words, for people with autism, sounds are louder, touch is more acute, smells are stronger, lights are more glaring, and colours are more colourful.

What are the best radiator colours for Autistic children?

Autism is a broad spectrum and no two children are the same. It’s important to note therefore, that those with autism can tolerate varying levels of colour, sound and patterns. However, there are some colours that tend to be better suited for children with autism. Contour Heating recommend toned down colours, as opposed to bright colours.

Why are bright coloured not suited to children with Autism?

This has been a well-researched topic. Studies have found that colours appear more vibrant to children with autism. The components of the eye vary due to chemical imbalances or neural deficiencies. According to The National Autistic Society, bright colours and busy patterns should be avoided as they can increase anxiety or cause people to become fixated.

Individual colours for radiators: What are the best choices?


This is a very powerful colour. Children with autism may experience red as fluorescent, making it painful for them to look at, which can impair their behaviour and mood.


White reflects colours that surround it. For someone with autism, white can be so overwhelming that it can hurt their eyes. Bright white surfaces in particular can be overwhelming, especially if the surfaces are highly reflective. This can be a serious consideration as most radiators come in white as standard.


Green is the safest colour for someone with autism. Green brings a balance and harmony to any environment. Lynne Harrison, a child psychologist, suggests that soft green is one of the best colours for environments of autistic children. Their recent project at Leighton Hospital demonstrates the calming impact that green has on an environment.


Blue is an instant de-stressor. Cool colours like this are calm and peaceful, making it ideal for autistic children.


Pink is a good colour for people with autism, providing that it is a lighter hue.


Whilst safety is the most important factor when choosing your anti-ligature radiator covers for Specialist Educational Facilities, Contour Heating recognise that the mental well-being of children is of equal importance.

Of course, any educational professional should look at the environment as a whole, analysing the number of sensory stimuli on walls, floors and counter surfaces. Too many can wreak havoc on the minds of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. That’s why they recommend a learning space free from clutter.

If you’d like any more information on how Contour Heating can help deliver a safe learning environment that’s both aesthetically pleasing and colour-appropriate, talk to one of their experts today.

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