Construction Product Innovation will help De-Risk the Passive Fire Protection within Offsite

Construction Product Innovation will help De-Risk the Passive Fire Protection within Offsite

In recent years, the construction industry has faced significant challenges regarding building safety, particularly in the realm of fire protection. The Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 exposed critical gaps in building safety regulations and sparked a nationwide call for change. In response, the Hackitt Review, released in May 2018, highlighted the need for comprehensive reform in building safety practices. This review paved the way for the Building Safety Act and Nullifire’s development of a groundbreaking technology, the FZ100 Fire Safe Zone.

The Hackitt Review and Building Safety Act: A Call for Reform
The Hackitt Review was a pivotal moment for the construction industry, as it shed light on the shortcomings of existing building safety regulations and practices. The review emphasized the need to consider fire safety earlier within the design process and should form part of the sign-off for “Gateway” steps. It also showcased the need for third party certification (products and installers) and the accountability of all parties involved in the construction process for building safety, from design to construction and maintenance.

In response to the Hackitt Review, the UK government introduced the Building Safety Act, published in May 2022. This act enables legislation to implement all the 53 Hackitt recommendations. It aims to implement more stringent regulatory regimes for high-risk residential buildings, overseeing safety and performance and promote competence of those working on all buildings. While the act applies to various construction methods, its implications for offsite construction are particularly noteworthy.

Offsite Construction and Passive Fire Protection Challenges
Offsite construction has gained popularity for its efficiency and reduced construction timelines. However, ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations without compromising on speed, quality, and cost-effectiveness has been a complex challenge for this methodology.

Passive fire protection is a critical aspect of building safety, involving measures that prevent or slow the spread of fire through containment and compartmentation. Achieving effective passive fire protection in offsite construction requires careful planning and execution, as pre-fabrication can introduce complexities in ensuring proper fire-resistant materials and assemblies are used.

The FZ100 Fire Safe Zone Innovation: Bridging the Gap
FZ100 Fire Safe Zone is a transformative solution for the challenges posed as it meets compliance standards but also addresses the need for speed, quality, and cost savings.

FZ100 is a fire compartment reinstatement solution for planned and future penetrating services within offsite/modular construction. It helps designers overcome complex challenges while maintaining compliance with the Building Safety Act, and other relevant regulations.

Enhanced Compliance: FZ100 allows the designer to anticipate future fire sealing requirements of any “high-risk” buildings, complying with Gateway 1 proposals.

Streamlined Construction: FZ100 is quick and easy to install, allowing offsite construction to proceed without compromising on speed, as it seamlessly integrates with the construction process.

Quality Assurance: FZ100 is fully tested system to BS EN 1366-3 and provides up to EI120 for offsite construction projects. The controlled environment of offsite construction factories, combined with the precision of FZ100 technology, results in consistent and high-quality fire protection measures.

Cost Efficiency: FZ100's integration reduces on-site labor requirements, minimises waste, and contributes to overall cost savings.

This is a game-changing technology, offering a holistic approach to passive fire protection that aligns with regulations while addressing the unique demands of offsite construction. As the industry evolves, embracing such groundbreaking advancements will undoubtedly contribute to a safer, more efficient, and sustainably built environment.

By engaging with us at the briefing and design stage, architects, specifiers, and main contractors can be assured that compliance and a golden thread approach will be easier to achieve. At Nullifire, you will find a specialist team keen to support you at any stage of your project. Our goal is to help you to ensure that a project has been completed correctly, but most importantly that the building and its people are safe from fire! To find out more about FZ100 Fire Safe Zone, please email or call us on 01942 251 400.

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