GEZE UK Closer Range Conforms To New CPR

GEZE UK Closer Range Conforms To New CPR

Distributors, specifiers, architects and end users are now able to download essential documentation for every door closer direct from GEZE UK’s website.

Under the new Construction Products Regulation (CPR), it is now mandatory for manufacturers and distributors to ensure that hardware products that are manufactured to a harmonised European Standard (hEN) have a valid CE Mark and a Declaration of Performance (DoP). The DoP declares the essential characteristics of the product and is the primary evidence of CE conformity.

Designed and built to the highest German standards, GEZE UK’s entire industry leading range of door closers are already manufactured to the harmonised European Standard, are CE marked and have DoPs.

Managing Director Kaz Spiewakowsi commented: “The CPR is enforceable by law and will affect the whole supply chain across Europe. Without a DoP the CE Mark is invalid so it’s essential that everyone in the supply chain checks that all the required documentation is in place for every product.”

The documents are available in the Downloads section at

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GEZE is a world leader in the field of manual and automatic door and window control systems, plus smoke and heat ventilation systems. GEZE also specialise in glass products – in particular, innovative frameless glass systems, which can be...
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T(01543) 443000
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 Blenheim Way, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffs, WS13 8SY

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