Industry & Government connect at Government Construction Summit

Industry & Government connect at Government Construction Summit

Government Construction Summit returns on the 2 July in London as the event of the year to hear from, and network with, key leaders from government and industry to explore how construction can deliver for Britain.

At last year’s Summit, the industrial strategy for construction, Construction 2025, which set out bold ambitions and a partnership approach to transform our industry was launched.

At this year’s event, you will hear how construction’s leaders are taking this work forward to build sustainable growth; develop strong, resilient and skilled supply chains; create jobs and realise the potential of the green economy.

Gain real insight into how to win work from top clients, as well as where to win work with Barbour ABI’s pipeline session. You can find out where all the current and future Government construction and infrastructure projects are taking place across the UK with Barbour ABI's interactive map.

Delegates will also hear from Vince Cable MP, Sir David Higgins and more top speakers with this year’s one day programme.

This year’s Government Construction Summit is taking place on 2 July 2014 at the London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square, London, W1K 6JP.

To find out more and to register, visit:

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