Single-Ply Membrane at Wakefield Grammar

Single-Ply Membrane at Wakefield Grammar

RENOLIT ALKORPLAN Fleecebacked Single-Ply Membrane was used to upgrade the roof at Wakefield Grammar School for Girls.

RENOLIT were originally asked by the client to provide a quote to replace the existing, failing zinc/steel roof area as they had received a quote of approximately £250K for the roof and walls.

RENOLIT were able to quote the client £150K for the roof area using the RENOLIT-ALKORPLAN system, for the roof area only, as the wall areas were found to be in good condition.

In the end approximately 900m2 of Lead Grey coloured membrane including standing seam-like profiles were specified for the renovation works.

The existing roof covering including existing insulation was stripped off down to the original flat metal composite sheet. Alkorplan Self Adhesive VCL was then installed onto the original composite sheet.

Tissue Faced Insulation boards were then adhered to the VCL using ALKORPLAN Dualfix Adhesive. Then ALKORPLAN 1.5mm Fleecebacked Lead Grey membrane was adhered to the insulation board using ALKORPLAN Polyurethane Adhesive.

ALKORDESIGN Profiles were installed to the membrane after to produce a standing seam effect.

The project was successfully carried out by William Cooper Limited over a period of 8 weeks with minimal disruption to the school.

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