Staff Profiles Dean Suter - Underfloor Heating Co-Ordinator

Staff Profiles Dean Suter - Underfloor Heating Co-Ordinator

Job title and role within the company: Underfloor Heating Co-Ordinator

How many years working for the company: 16 months

Previous experience which is an advantage within the current role: Confident with people and able to work effectively as an individual as well as part of a team. This has been nurtured through my love of both team and individual sports, creating a strong work ethic since childhood.

I enjoy working with Easyflow owing to the good nature and atmosphere with the people I work with. Each Underfloor Heating project is very different which makes each job a different challenge. My hopes for the future are to expand my knowledge and experience which should in turn enable Easyflow to grow into a national competitor in the Underfloor Heating & Liquid Screed sector.

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