Accreditations Demonstrate Door Manufacturer’s Ethical Commitment

Accreditations Demonstrate Door Manufacturer’s Ethical Commitment

According to Leaderflush Shapland's Managing Director, Todd Altman, the UK’s leading performance doorset manufacturer’s Corporate Responsibility, ethical and Health and Safety policies are at the very heart of all of its brands, which include Longden, Multisecure and Fitzpatrick. “Accreditations mean much more than simply logos to add to our marketing material. We will always endeavour to meet legislative and regulatory requirements; our policies, systems and processes assure customers that we are a caring, ethical supplier fulfilling corporate and social responsibilities whilst manufacturing products which meet the complex demands of the building industry.”

Leaderflush Shapland adheres to strict policies and procedures, all of which are independently audited to give you assurance of best practice. Operations comply with BS EN ISO 9001: 2008, ensuring the standardisation of business processes enabling the manufacture of consistently high quality products. Leaderflush Shapland has developed an Environmental Management System in accordance with BS EN ISO 14001:2004, to make certain that environmental policies are adhered to and constantly challenged to be the best they can be. Further more, Leaderflush Shapland is committed to a comprehensive Health and Safety policy meeting the BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard and ensuring a safe business environment at every stage of the business process.

The company was also the first in the industry to develop a timber tracking system meeting the requirements of the FSC Chain of Custody scheme as well as the government endorsed CPET environmental timber purchasing policy. Using FSC timber ensures compliance with BREEAM sustainable timber requirements, helping you meet public sector policies for responsible timber procurement.

Last year, Leaderflush Shapland was awarded Energy Efficiency Accreditation by the Carbon Trust sponsored National Energy Foundation - the national benchmark standard. The company also reduced their energy used at their sites by 5% and this year aim to further reduce energy usage by 10%.

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