Robust, light and easy to install, Aquapanel Floor Tile Underlay eradicates costly floor tile failures in bathrooms and other wet areas. Specifiers and contractors can now match their orders to the project in hand more accurately as the underlay is now supplied in half pallets of 50 boards, rather than full pallets of 100, so cutting both storage and wastage.
Manufactured from tough aggregated Portland cement board with coated glass fibre mesh on each side, the underlay is completely unaffected by water and maintains its strength even when fully immersed. As a result, it avoids all the problems associated with traditional plywood or chipboard underlays which warp when wet and, being wholly inorganic, is 100% proof against mould growth.
Measuring just 6mm thick, this reinforced cement boards low profile ensures an even transition between tiled floor and carpeting making the removal of thresholds unnecessary.
The ideal complement to ceramic, mosaic or natural stone tiles, Knauf Aquapanel Floor Tile Underlay is easy to install and can be cut using the score and snap technique, so it does not require any special cutting tools or pre-drilling.
Repairs are also far simpler and cheaper than with traditional tile underlays, which often require the whole substrate to be renewed, because tile or grout failure normally means only a simple localised repair is needed, as water ingress will not harm the underlay.
Aquapanel Floor Tile Underlay is part of the Aquapanel range, which includes the market leading tile backer 12.5mm Knauf Aquapanel Interior that interfaces seamlessly with drywall systems to provide a solid base for wetroom tiling up to 50kg/m2