Artform Urban Solid Stone Benches for Stockport Exchange

Artform Urban Solid Stone Benches for Stockport Exchange

Stockport Exchange has been undergoing extensive refurbishment since 2014 with improvements to the train station, a new multi storey car park, new retail and leisure facilities as well as office buildings.

Given its location on the doorstep of one of the busiest train routes in the country, connections to London in under 2 hours, and less than 10 minute journey into Manchester - The potential and popularity of the scheme has seen well-known brands such as Stage Coach, Music Magpie and many others fully occupying the office spaces.

The project is now entering its fourth phase that will include another office building and another multi-storey car park.

The external area surrounding the buildings is completely pedestrianised with a combination of paved walkways, grass plots, and raised concrete edging for plants and trees. An open green space that is the first thing visitors see of Stockport after leaving the train station.

Artform Urban were asked to provide their popular Stone Benches in HPC Granite with a smooth velluto finish. The unique design and polished finish invites users to interact whether to rest or to climb and play.

The solid stone bench becomes an immovable barrier offering security and protection once it has to be manouvered into place with cranes. A modern and monolithic design that creates a striking visual contrast to the contemporary glass and steel architecture. The stone bench range has recently been expanded with three sizes now being offered in new finishes.

The client, George Cox & Sons, have a mission to present a high quality finish on all their projects that provide essential transport links. Stockport Exchange is another excellent scheme added to their portfolio.

The regeneration scheme has and continues to be a success for Stockport Council and is a benchmark for future renovations to the town centre.

For further information about these products or about this project contact the Artform Furniture Team on 01625 877554 or

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Artform Urban Furniture, part of the Bailey Street Furniture Group, is at the leading edge of integrated landscape design. The company aim to supply and install the world’s most inspiring, forward -thinking, aspirational and design-led street...
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