Artisans of Devizes’ Buscot Limestone is a Sims Hilditch favourite

Artisans of Devizes’ Buscot Limestone is a Sims Hilditch favourite

One of Artisans of Devizes’ most recent projects saw them working with a long-standing client, Sims Hilditch, as they took on the ambitious task of converting a dilapidated Georgian public house into their new design studio.

Having worked with Emma and her team on countless projects over the years, it came as no surprise when she chose Artisans of Devizes’ best-selling Buscot Limestone for the kitchen and dining areas of her new studio. Opting for a seasoned finish, that softly rounds the edges and exposes the surface grain, the floor perfectly complements the Cotswold stone walls, while the 60 x random flagstones and American patterns showcase the grand Georgian architecture.

The entire project is the lead feature in this month’s prestigious Kitchen & Bathroom supplement that accompanies the July issue of House & Garden.

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