Client: Colchester General Hospital
Type of works: Supply of unique automatic door installations
Door manufacturer, Gilgen Door Systems has completed a series of unique automatic door installations for Colchester General Hospital.
Gilgen supplied and installed nineteen sets of bespoke automatic single sliding door packages as part of the hospitals continuous improvement of patient dignity and privacy.
The Gilgen SLX single sliding door packages, specifically modified for Colchester General Hospital, have been incorporated into new ward bays, sectioning the main ward into smaller six bed areas. With an overall width of 4.2 metres each door has been designed to give a clear opening width of 2 metres allowing easy access for beds, equipment and wheel chairs etc. Manifestations positioned at eye level ensure privacy for the patients and activation is by touch-less pads, helping to fight the spread of infection. Additionally, porters have been issued with multichannel remote controls
which will activate any of the nineteen doors enabling a door to be opened on approach providing unhindered access when beds, patients and equipment are being moved. The 2.2 metre wide pocket side screens have been inlaid with dry wipe boards which are used by staff to record patient information providing a practical, reusable resource.
A recent report entitled Privacy and Dignity A report into mixed sex accommodation in hospitals was issued by the Chief Nursing Officer to all NHS trusts and health authorities. The report highlights ward bay doors as just one of the ways that privacy and dignity can be increased for patients; improving visual and auditory privacy through screening and providing confidential discussions areas. Colchester General Hospitals commitment to the recommendations not only include the fitting of automatic doors, but also the installation of additional bathrooms, new, clearer signage and the division of wards into male and female areas.
Julie Firth, Director of Nursing and Patient Experience at Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust said The installation of Gilgen sliding doors will help us to achieve national standards of Delivering Single Sex Accommodation by the end of February one month before the national deadline.
While doing all that we can to optimise privacy and dignity is one of our priorities, we have also found that their installation has helped to modernise our estate and improve the physical environment, both for patients and staff.