AXA PPP healthcare, Kent

AXA PPP healthcare, Kent

AXA PPP healthcare

Client: AXA PPP healthcare
Type of works: installation of Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers in company's headquarters.

AXA PPP healthcare has been helping people access private healthcare since 1940, when it was known as the London Association for Hospital Services. Today, it provides healthcare cover for individuals and companies, funding for dental care (through its sister company Denplan), as well as health information, occupational health and employee assistance services.

AXA PPP healthcare was receiving comments from employees concerned about the amount of paper towel waste generated in the bathrooms of its Tunbridge Wells headquarter complex. As a result, the company started to look at alternative hand drying solutions, comparing cost efficiencies, drying effectiveness, hygiene and most importantly environmental factors.

At first, they looked at installing standard hand dryers; however, they found these to be notoriously inefficient, taking too long to only part dry users’ hands. Towel rolls were also considered, not only are these unhygienic, but they require bleaching and high temperature laundering, which makes them not a green solution.

Business Services Manager, Helen Ewart-Bainbridge, and her team heard that Dyson had developed a new generation of hand dryers that not only offer significant hand drying improvements but also environmental benefits. “The Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer offers several key benefits, which make it a natural choice for AXA PPP healthcare,” says Ewart-Bainbridge. “These include a 10 second dry time and a reduction in energy consumption, which is great for the environment. However, they also make sound financial sense. When you factor in the cost of paper towels, maintenance, waste costs and cleaning, they will pay for themselves within two and half years.”

AXA PPP healthcare has started to roll out the installation of 59 Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers throughout the company’s five headquarter buildings in Tunbridge Wells. Two other buildings have also been identified once planned toilet refurbishment work in these areas is complete.

Helen Ewart-Bainbridge commented, “In the past, we’ve cleared a staggering 110 sacks of used paper towels, destined for landfill, from the Tunbridge Wells premises every day. The Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer definitely helps us to be a more environment friendly company on multiple levels. ”

To try the Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer or for more information call:
(0800) 345 7788 (UK)
1-800-932630 (ROI) or

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