The new series MH underfloor heating manifold from Watts UK is a revolutionary dynamic balancing valve which will eradicate common issues experienced in underfloor heating systems.
The manifold, which can be specified as part of a new build project, or successfully retro-fitted, as part of an entire underfloor heating system allows the flow rate in each circuit to remain constant. This will stop the fluctuation experienced in other manifolds where changes in demand require constant balancing of the individual loops which often consist of differences in length and diameter giving different flow and pressures resulting in a fluctuating unbalanced system.
Dave Raynor, Product Manager Watts Water Technologies UK, said:"his product has been developed to eliminate issues which have been prohibitive to the efficiencies of underfloor heating systems, particularly those that are in multi room or multi residential settings". Dave continued "Once the system is operational Series MH will maintain constant pressure in the manifold to deliver a constant flow rate in each heating loop delivering energy saving benefits and optimum temperature distribution.”