Bespoke viewing towers at Llanelli seafront

Bespoke viewing towers at Llanelli seafront

Architectural Street Furnishings (ASF) were specified to design a range of modern cast iron posts for use along the Llanelli seafront and on top of a series of visually stunning look out towers.

The Llanelli Millennium Coastal Park was created to celebrate the turn of the new millennium. The aim was to convert over 1,000 hectares of industrial dereliction into an eye-catching landscape that would complement and enhance the natural beauty of the estuary itself.

In this extremely harsh environment a robust and high quality finish on the posts and rails was imperative.

ASF investigated the possibility of centrifugally galvanising the posts. Together with the use of marine grade stainless steel rails, separated from the cast iron posts using integral nylon sleeves in order to avoid any inter-metallic reaction, this proved extremely successful.

Three different, but coordinated, post styles were designed.

The posts used were hybrids of ASFs popular ASF211 post, incorporating marine grade stainless steel rails. The cast iron was centrifugally galvanised to protect against rusting and deterioration caused by the marine environment. The stainless steel rails were satin brush polished to a maximum RA value of 0.5 to reduce the risk of contamination.

ASF's guardrail design made a key contribution to the public's enjoyment of this amenity.

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