Bluebell Bungalow, Maidstone, Kent

Bluebell Bungalow, Maidstone, Kent

Architect: Richard Paxton Type of works: installation of Eclisse sliding door frames.

Bluebell Bungalow was built in Maidstone, Kent, and designed by architect Richard Paxton with the intention of removing traditional boundaries to maneuverability. It uses the latest home technologies including Eclisse sliding door frames to save space and improve internal circulation. The driving force behind the decision to build this cutting-edge structure was to create an accessible and modern home that would improve disabled owner Bill Letley’s independence and quality of life.

Jo and Paul, Bill’s daughter and son-in-law, were eager participants and helped to develop the project. They explained Eclisse “in the wall” sliding systems were a real alternative to conventional doors. Not only do they create extra usable space and allow light to flood through, they also improve circulation and help solve the problem of moving forward and backwards to open and shut the door, without any threshold to interrupt floor surfaces.

“This was an important aspect of the interior design, considering the movement limitations of our dad. Eclisse sliding doors are fully finished and the quality is superb. They also come with instructions to make the entire installation process very quick and easy” - they said.

Bill and his wife Jean chose three single sliding door frames for their kitchen and en-suite. Two sliding door systems were supplied with a motorized kit that can be controlled by switch, radar or remote in order to provide Bill with easy access around the building.

In 2008 the Bluebell bungalow featured in the Grand Designs TV program.

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