Boon Edam Australia recently installed their first order of the Lifeline Series Speedlane speed gates in Sydney.
The installation was for a company within the sensitive financial sector who had a low security need to control the access of their staff on various floors of their building. The installation coincided with a floor-by-floor refurbishment over 3 floors, with the average throughput per floor being 120.
For the gates, the client was required that the clear gap when the doors were open was 1000mm – a non-standard specification. The wide version of the Speedlane Swing speed gate is able to be supplied, as standard to a height of 1800mm, with an easy, clear passage of 915mm. In this particular installation, Boon Edam were able to meet this customised need by lowering the door height to 1650mm, which reduced the overall weight. This innovative solution accommodated the extra wide passageway, and still remained within the safety tested limits of the product.
Slimness and high quality aesthetics were, without doubt, key design aspects in being awarded this contract. The same client has since secured a further order in another Sydney location of 4 double units spread over the same number of floors.
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