Bristol City Council call centre

Bristol City Council call centre

Client: Bristol City Council
Type of works: supply of Rockfon Koral and Hygienic ceiling tiles to improve acoustics in call centre.

When Bristol City Council needed to improve the acoustics in one of their new call centres, they called on Rockfon to provide the solution. The open-plan office, which accommodates 600 people, was fitted out with 5,000m2 of Rockfon Koral ceiling tiles, and a further 500m2 of Rockfon Hygienic tiles were used for kitchen areas, as part of the overall office refurbishment scheme.

Good acoustics are essential in call-centre environments if customers are to be given a good level of service. Those taking the calls need to be able to hear what is being said and to communicate effectively, without distraction from unwanted noise. Open-plan offices present a challenge for acoustic control since many different activities are often carried out within the same space, such as photocopying and printing next to individual workstations.

Stephen Ashman, Corporate Health & Safety Surveyor for Bristol City Council explained the decision to use Rockfon ceilings for their refurbishment: “We’ve recently carried out a number of projects using Rockfon products in local schools and the improvements to both acoustics and aesthetics have been very impressive, with positive comments received from a number of the teachers. So I had no hesitation in recommending Rockfon for the office refurbishment scheme and I’m absolutely delighted with the result.”

Rockfon Koral combines an attractive micro-textured White surface with excellent acoustics, fire-safety and humidity-resistance properties. It is available in a variety of formats to suit almost any application. Rockfon’s Hygienic ceiling tiles have been developed to meet the most stringent demands on hygiene and cleanability. All Hygienic products have a durable and special White painted surface incorporating a fungicide to further resist the growth of micro-organisms.

All Rockfon ceiling solutions are made with a 100% stone wool core, which contributes to their acoustic performance and ensure tiles remain dimensionally stable, even in up to 100% relative humidity. Stone wool is also non-combustible with a melting point in excess of 1,000°C meaning Rockfon ceilings can offer Class A1 reaction to fire. All Rockfon ceilings are recyclable.

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