Cottage home, Penshurst, Kent.

Cottage home, Penshurst, Kent.

Specifier: Master Thatchers South
Type of Works: Supply of TLX Silver multi-foil

As with all roofers, thatchers have warmed to the use of multi-foils as a means of achieving necessary U-values in light of a single layer of any thatch not now meeting the requirements of the regulations.

The project was a total re-thatch of a five bedroom cottage built in the style of a Hall House and situated in the historic village of Penshurst in Kent.

Following the introduction of the revised Building Regulations in 2006 there had to be a careful rethink on the insulation requirements and whether they would achieve the required U-value. It was key to the project to evaluate what the insulation value of the whole roof would be following the proposed re-thatch.

TLX Silver presented a time saving and simpler installation than other traditional insulation materials. The roof was renewed with a 350mm layer of thatch fixed over counter battens, above TLX Silver fixed to battens over and above fire board (Promat SUPALUX) and achieved an efficient 0.19 U-value.

Nick Cranfield, thatcher and owner of Master Thatchers South Ltd said: “This product is a joy to work with and lived up to my expectations. There is very little labour involved in installing the product; I simply rolled it out across the roof rather than fitting it between the roof rafters. It’s fast to use and turned a lengthy installation into a ten minute job at each stage. What’s also great with multi-foils is that they are clean to use, no cuts and no fibre glass dust which can be horrible to work with. I now intend to use TLX on all my projects and I understand that the project surveyor was equally impressed.”

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