Crayford Waterside Gardens, Kent

Crayford Waterside Gardens, Kent

Client: Bexley Council
Architect: Mor Design
Type of works: supply of a range of LED lighting systems from DW Windsor.

Part of an extensive regeneration programme by Bexley Council to revitalise the local community, Crayford Waterside Gardens was recently revamped to provide a welcoming public space, with new lighting to improve the residents feelings of safety after dark.

Lighting consultants It Does Ltd and Cartledge approached DW Windsor to provide decorative lighting for the project, in an aim to enhance the night-time appearance of the gardens and structures within, including entrance feature, pavilion, seating area and bridge. Lighting had to be maintenance friendly and discreet, so as not to distract from the parks daytime appearance and use minimal energy with maximum impact.

Each feature within the park required a unique approach to ensure that the lighting was complimentary to and did not detract from the public art theme, which reflected the towns industrial and cultural past;

The new footbridge required uniform illumination. DW Windsor’s Garda handrail proved to be the answer with its high performance White LED’s providing a robust (grade 316 stainless steel), low maintenance and low energy solution.

A circular LED feature in-ground, Anello LED, was used to delineate the ‘future pad’ space while a bespoke LED fitting was developed specifically for the seating area, designed to fit in the 50mm by 50m recess, creating an effective glow to the underside of each of the semi circular seats.

Tri-colour RGB LED floodlights were selected for their quality, performance and lens options and to provide an eye-catching draw to the entrance and spectator areas of the park.

Completed on time and budget, Bexley’s first artist-designed park was officially opened to the public by the deputy mayor for London Ian Clement, a resident of the town, on the 6 June 2009.

Used in such a way to ease navigation, give interest, add depth, colour and movement, the innovative use of lighting within the scheme provides a ‘wow’ factor, transforming the park into a visually different, interesting space after dark. Receiving warm praise from the local community, Caroline Rees, a resident for over 30 years, commented: “What I particularly like is the fact that at night it (the park) lights up and comes alive in a completely different way, rather than just being a dark hole – wonderful.”

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