Project: The Guildhall, London
Sector: Commercial
Architect:City of London Corporation
Client: The Guildhall
Contractor: Niblock Building Contractors
Products: System 17000, Eco-Roof
Bailey supplied a Eco-Roof green roof system to The Guildhall, London.
Bailey Eco-Roof intensive planting coupled with a sustainable waterproofing produced a roof which was both environmentally responsible and beneficial. Baileys root resistant membrane meant it could be laid without any further protection.
Complex details were made waterproof by using a number of products from Baileys innovative range of components.
Prior to the installation of the landscaping, the waterproofing layer was subject to a thorough electronic leak test, ensuring a secure system was installed.
The companys project management teams liaised with the architects, structural engineers and contractors to ensure the correct specification and installation of our systems. This meant Bailey took the strain, ensuring that the design and installation process was always to specification and on time.