Ecoprod Technique Awarded Waterwise Marque for the product Urimat

Ecoprod Technique Awarded Waterwise Marque for the product Urimat

Ecoprod Technique, the promoter of water and energy saving solutions for the commercial washroom, has been awarded the accolade of entitlement to display the Waterwise Marque for its Urimat Waterless Urinals.

Waterwise is an independent non-government organisation focused on decreasing water consumption in the UK and building the evidence base for large scale water efficiency. They are the leading authority on water conservation in the UK, which means that Urimat can be specified as ecologically, as well as economically, convincing!

The Waterwise Marque was founded in October 2006 and is the first award scheme of its kind in the UK. The Marque is awarded annually to products which highlight water efficiency or reduce water wastage. Urimat was the first waterless urinal to be awarded the Waterwise Marque in 2007.

“The Waterwise Marque will empower buyers to make more informed choices on which water using products to purchase” says Jacob Tompkins, Director of Waterwise.

“Despite the recent rainfall it is still imperative that we continue to use water wisely. The UK’s fresh water supplies are not limitless. Climate change, along with population growth and shift mean that we can’t simply continue to use a third more than many of our European neighbours. The most effective long term way to stop future water shortages is for all of us to make small behavioural changes and to choose water efficient products.”

Therefore, Urimat, with it’s saving of up to 100,000 litres or more of water per urinal each year, is the answer for environmentally conscious architects and facilities managers.

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