Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

It’s a fact that synthetic roofing membranes enjoy well proven longevity but for exactly how long has, to date, only simulated by laboratory ageing tests. Evidence based on tests of a product in situ for over half a century is eminently more convincing.

Back in 2005, what is thought to be the oldest fully functional roof with a full-sized synthetic waterproofing was discovered in the small peaceful village of Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany. Dating back more than 50 years then, the building was used for the temporary storage of drinking water which supplied the adjacent housing estate in peak times. A roof that could leak untreated rainwater into the village’s drinking supply was unthinkable and so the best membrane available in 1955, Prewanol PIB, was chosen.

Fifteen years ago, the building was superseded by a new larger plant room and so was left unused for a whole decade. On examination in 2005, the roof did not show any significant damage and even the detailing to two integrated roof vents remained defect free.

As manufacturers of Prewanol PIB, the predecessor to Rhepanol fk, FDT invited State Material Testing Institute (MPA) to undertake an independent analysis of the membrane’s integrity including the welded seams. The results confirmed that the roof was stsill sufficiently waterproof and performing well.

Rhepanol is proven to be the oldest and most environmentally friendly singly ply in the world. It is the only membrane with a unique Life Cycle Assessment and meets DIN EN ISO 14040 part ff.

Today, the Rhepanol range of membranes, which are suitable for new build, over roofing, green roofs and under photovoltaic panels, is available in the UK only from SIG Design & Technology and can be installed only by their trained and licensed contractors who are members of DATAC.

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