Fagerhult Lighting

T(020) 7403 4123
F(020) 7378 0906
WVisit Fagerhult Lighting's website
 50 Southwark St, London, SE1 1UN
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Trade names

Allfive, Allround, Apollo, Aqua, Art, Basic, CombiFive, Combiform, Combilume, Corona, DALI, Discovery, Dome, DTI, Fogg, Globia, Gondol, Icon, Indigo, Induline, Indulux, Isola, Kaptur, Lento, Lepo, Libraline, Lightshift, Liverti, Loop, Lots, Lyktan Lighting, MultiFive, Multilume, Notor, Omni, Open Box, Orosso, Orosso, Parad, Park Globe, Pegasus, Pleiad, Pozzo, Sektor, Semi, Sidelight, Sonatra, Teres, Terso, Tigris, Time, Timeless, Tinara, Tintra, Tove, Vik, Wall Globe, Zintra, Zora

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