With budgets understandably in the spotlight in what is a tough economic climate, Graham Ellicott, CEO of the Fire Industry Association (FIA), has warned fire safety companies not to ignore the importance of training.
Graham comments: anybody in business has to consider the bottom-line, particularly in the current commercial environment. Training has to earn its place as a worthwhile investment, along with all of the other opportunities that businesses face, but it is important to recognise that this is what training is an investment, not just a cost. Industry focused training remains a vital way of staying abreast of the latest developments in fire safety technology and those companies that dont invest in their staff and their skills run the serious risk of ultimately losing out in the marketplace.
The FIAs programme of courses has successfully trained more than 26,000 people.
One of the most popular courses is the introductory course in fire safety, a back to basics approach to fire, fire safety systems and the fire industry. The one day course gives an introduction to active and passive fire safety systems, equipment and services in buildings. Based around the principles of BS 5839-1, the course content is designed to meet the needs of delegates with a non-technical background. In terms of its focus, it is intended for facility, project and commercial managers, sales staff, general construction personnel with a fire safety background and non-technical facilities personnel operating a building who require a basic appreciation of fire safety systems.
Another one day course and one with a more specific subject focus is Critical uses of Halon. This details the European Regulations for safe handling of halon 1211 and 1301, equipment, testing and recovery of gases. It is designed for any company involved in servicing or maintaining the specific applications in which halon gas is still permitted as a fire extinguishant: aircraft extinguishing systems, aircraft portable extinguishers, police and military use.