Further investment at Lignacite Ltd with 1600 Block Machine

Further investment at Lignacite Ltd with 1600 Block Machine

Lignacite Ltd has just placed a £2,000,000 order with Colombia Machine inc. for a 1600 Block Machine and all the associated handling equipment for their Nazeing works in Essex.

Lignacite has been operating Columbia Block machines for 25 years and have opted for another because of the consistency and precision of the product.

This investment will more than double the capacity of this works and enable the company to meet the increased demand for their products.

Chairman Giles de Lotbiniere said “We continue to operate Columbia Block machines and equipment because we believe they are the best in the world. They are expensive, but produce very accurate and consistent blocks. This reduces wastage on site and ensures that we can deliver the best quality available anywhere in the market.”

Vice President Dave Sharp of Columbia Machine inc. said “Lignacite is on the cutting edge of value adding processing for concrete masonry units and Columbia Machine welcomes the opportunity to continue as the key equipment supplier to the industry leader.”

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