Welcome Break's busy Service Station on the M40 was struggling to identify, catch and ultimately prosecute offenders using their analogue CCTV system. To eliminate these problems OCS Security Group proposed, and installed, a Genie CCTV HD-SDI solution that made use of the existing infrastructure cabling. The Genie cameras now deliver Full HD 1080p resolution images which are captured on a HD-SDI Digital Video Recorder.
The business case, whereby capital expenditure against the benefit from the improved solution and potential loss prevention, made the HD-SDI system the logical choice for the upgrade. This installation has now been joined by a second high profile Petrol Station site and the performance and success rates of the systems are being monitored to build a case for replacing CCTV systems across the whole estate.
HD-SDI is a broadcast standard transmission system used to send and receive uncompressed and unencrypted digital video signals over coaxial cable media. Unlike most security systems no signal elements are lost, meaning what you see is what you get in real time with no latency. Legacy cabling can be used, if of suitable specification, to quickly and simply upgrade an analogue system to provide Full HD quality pictures.
The clarity and depth of the resulting footage has astounded Mr Roland Palla (the Service Station Manager). Mr Palla commented: "My initial reaction to the new HD system was how much better the pictures were compared to the old ones. The system has quickly proved itself in giving us vital video footage of drive offs and in-shop theft; and it didn't take long for my guys to get to know the system."
For more details, please download the Welcome Break Case Study document.