Guardian launches ClimaGuard A 1.1 Low E glass

Guardian launches ClimaGuard A 1.1 Low E glass

Guardian ClimaGuard A 1.1 is the newest Low E glass to join the Guardian ClimaGuard range. Developed using the ClimaGuard A coating layer stack, the new ClimaGuard A 1.1 has been designed to supersede the dual product ClimaGuard Premium and Premium T2.

The New ClimaGuard A 1.1 offers the same 1.1 U value performance in a single stock product which helps reduce stocking space. It has a high light transmission of 79% and a Solar Factor (g value) of 65%, which combined with the 1.1 U value* helps to provide excellent thermal insulation, whilst also being exceptionally neutral in appearance.

Where ClimaGuard A 1.1 produces a slightly higher U value than its commercial Low E partner ClimaGuard A 1.0, the slight reduction in thermal performance is made up for with a higher g value or solar factor. This allows ClimaGuard A 1.1 to also achieve a reasonable performance in window energy rating calculations, which combined with high performance warm edge spacer, Argon, and a well insulated profile (including thermal breaks), can achieve A ratings, allowing customers to finally have a Low E glass that can tick the box for both the commercial and the domestic replacement window markets.

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