Harefield School

Type of works: Supply and installation of cycle-parking facilities and large, paved pedestrian access area

The school required major work to be carried out with minimal disruption. After undertaking a detailed site survey, External Solutions Limited advised them on the best value-for-money options for cycle parking and hard landscaping.

There was a strict deadline for completion, so the work was arranged to be carried out in school time. This was done by starting work before the children arrived at school and working when they were indoors, thus causing the least disruption.

The extent of the work carried out was to provide a large paved pedestrian-access area with drop kerbs, and a tarmac area with cycle parking.

The school was very pleased with the work, the timescale to finish the project and the overall cost, and have continued to award External Solutions other contracts, including the provision of a toy store, storage shed, a paved quadrangle, and other storage facilities.

This work has also been completed and External Solutions are currently quoting for more work that Harefield school requires.

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