Helping DIY SOS Create a Brighter Future for the Getaway Girls

Helping DIY SOS Create a Brighter Future for the Getaway Girls

Record is delighted to have taken part in this year's DIY SOS Big Build for BBC Children In Need. The project, which was one of their biggest challenges yet, saw DIY SOS join forces with Radio 2 to transform a derelict site into a safe base for a young women's charity, in just 11 days.

Getaway Girls, an amazing charity in Leeds, has been in operation for 35 years. It helps young girls and women aged 11-25, from across the city, who are facing a range of issues including domestic violence, abuse and anxiety, to learn new skills, build confidence and raise aspirations.

The new building will provide a much-needed space for those it supports, where they will be able to access help and advice. It includes a creche, counselling rooms, activity spaces, a music and media studio, a fully fitted kitchen and a garden.

How did Record help?

Record was approached by DIY SOS Big Build to create an automated entrance for the centre, which was inviting, easy to use and secure. At short notice, Record donated and installed a pair of aluminium doors with Record DFA 127 swing door operators, mag locks and glazing for the whole entrance.

The Record DFA 127 Swing Door Operator was the perfect choice for the centre as not only is it versatile, extremely reliable and almost silent in operation, its compact design complimented the style of the building.

The Getaways Girls required the doors to be locked always, only allowing entry to authorised people via a push pad or keycode. Record installed two mag locks to secure the doors and liaised with the access control companies to ensure the doors open safely when the pads are activated.

The mag locks are also linked to the fire security system, enabling the doors to automatically open in the event of a fire.

This was a great opportunity for Record to do something positive for the Getaway Girls and they’ve had great feedback on how their automated doors will really help their new centre.

Alia Nessa, Operations Manager for Getaway Girls commented "Having automatic doors is really important to us. To be able to provide barrier-free access for everyone, including the disabled, is fantastic. We also need good security, so having doors with access control is amazing.”

Adding to this Hannah Poklad, Youth Worker with Getaway Girls said "We used to struggle to get equipment in and out of our last building, due to the narrow door. The new automatic doors will make it so much safer and easier to move musical instruments and media equipment around. They will really make a difference.”

DIY SOS Big Build Designer, Gabrielle Blackman, who transformed this project also commented “We were thrilled to have Record on board for our Children in Need Big Build special this year. We urgently needed an automatic door that looked great and was robust, safe and accessible. The facility we built for Getaway Girls needed to look welcoming and light but also security was a paramount concern. Sourcing the right door was a huge problem, especially with our very tight schedule.

We were so happy and relieved that Record came to the rescue! They also kindly fitted the door in and did an absolutely cracking job despite having to stop every two minutes to let other trades through. It has been one of our biggest challenges and I really want to thank Record for stepping up to help Children in Need.”

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