Helping prepare for London's Olympics

Helping prepare for London's Olympics

London's Transport cops were delighted to move into their new home in Islington after Atlas installed a new autogate system for them. The gates are an impressive 6m wide by 4m high.

A previous installation company had been stumped by the scale of the job and threw in the towel, but undeterred Atlas made sure the contract got completed on budget and on time. Atlas' engineer, Paul, skilfully revised the specification to ensure the finished installation was effective and safe.

Atlas Contract Manager, Peter McDonnell, got called in when additional repairs to folding shutter doors turned out to be a much bigger job than anyone had thought. He valued it, priced it and got the order. Then, he and engineer Keith worked all day (and part of the night!) adjusting and re-hanging the doors to ensure that they are able to maintain the level of security and reliability that the law demands.

7 million Britons watched the Beijing Olympics on TV and organisers hope for an attendance of several times that number in London. Most of these visitors will travel by public transport giving the London Transport Police their biggest logistical headache since the last war.

A budget of £9.3 billion has been set aside for the 2012 games and Atlas is determined it will continue to pick up its fair share of that investment.

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