HRS sponsors environmental award at Construction News Awards 2011

HRS sponsors environmental award at Construction News Awards 2011

Human Recognition Systems (HRS) is proud to have sponsored the environmental project of the year award at this year’s Construction News Awards 2011. The event is the UK construction industry’s most prestigious awards event and brings together this year’s top contractors and honours those who have performed exceptionally.

The winning award was presented to Imtech for their work on the Cardiff and Afan Advanced Digestion Plants. The award was presented by CEO of HRS, Neil Norman to the Imtech management team who were delighted to have been recognised for their outstanding project work.

“We are extremely proud to win ‘Environmental Project of the Year’ from Construction News. The team has shown great commitment and dedication in ensuring the new Cardiff and Afan Advanced Digestion Plants delivered operational savings of over 7 million/year, producing approximately 40GWH/year of renewable power and reducing our client’s operational carbon footprint by 50,000 Tonnes CO2/year. Sustainability and environmental considerations form the cornerstone of our business and Imtech Process’s achievement tonight reinforces this message.” said Tony O’Shea, Director at Imtech.

“Sponsoring this award was important to HRS because we have been helping companies to measure their travel-to-site carbon emissions with our MSite solution,” said Neil Norman, CEO of Human Recognition Systems.

“It was great to see so many companies nominated for the awards and it's a fantastic way to celebrate people’s achievements in what has been a particularly tough year for construction.”

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Human Recognition Systems

Human Recognition Systems (HRS) is the largest independent biometric integrator in the UK with an in-house capability to design, build, test, deploy and support biometric applications. Within the construction industry the company is the preferred...
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