Passivent devised an innovative hybrid natural / mechanical ventilation strategy for the BSkyB Believe in Better building. The building is a multi-use, four-storey building which houses offices and training facilities for Sky employees.
One of the most important aspects of the design was to optimise the health and wellbeing of its occupants and visitors. Air quality was particularly important, with the need to provide some natural ventilation, instead of 100% mechanical air flow. Working closely with architect Arup Associates and main contractor Mace, Passivent proposed a natural / mechanical ventilation strategy comprising a direct air handling unit and natural ventilation.
A key part of this ventilation strategy was the supply of 58 Passivent SoundScoop acoustic air transfer ventilation units. Combining exceptional acoustic attenuation with very low airflow resistance, the SoundScoop units provide natural ventilation airflow through the building, allowing an air path to still be available for mechanical airflow when needed.