Improved cycle route with with Sedum border

Improved cycle route with with Sedum border

Sedum Supply Ltd has supplied and installed sedum matting as part of works to improve Hills Road Cycle Route in Cambridge. Cambridge's Cross City Cycling Consultation saw a £4 million budget put into place for improvements to five project areas. One of these included the Hills Road Cycle Route, which is a very busy route for the Biomedical Campus and local schools.

The project included planting of sedum matting between the pedestrian foot path and the new red asphalt cycling path. The purpose of the sedum was to create a clear divide between pedestrians and cyclists and give both enough space to allow the full track width to be used.

Sedum Supply Ltd were contracted for the supply and installation of the sedum matting. Local residents and cycle route users have commented on the successful improvement to the Hills Road Cycle Route and are happy with the look of the new colourful sedum.

James Berry, who worked on the project, said:"I just wanted to thank you for the number of improvements to the 'Green' Cycleway including; laying the sedum on the Eastern side of Hills Road".

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