Client: Indescon Court
Contractor: CJ OShea
Type of works: supply of Baileys System 17000 sanded anti-root Capsheet and underlay for the waterproofing aspects and a Bailey Eco-Roof reservoir board with Bailey eco-roof mineral drain aggregate; all over an area of 4,000m2.
The main contractor, CJ OShea chose Baileys BBA certified System 17000 high-performance felt system, coupled with an Eco-Roof green roof system to complete their podium waterproofing and landscaping requirements. The reason for this choice was the products durability, flexibility and resistance to root penetration. System 17000 is a superior, torch-on, waterproofing system, manufactured with an untearable polyester carrier, coated in APP modified bitumen. System 17000 has a life expectancy in excess of 30 years and is certificated by BBA, backed up by long-term guarantees, making it the secure choice for waterproofing any flat roof or podium deck constructions.
The main advantage of System 17000 is that being it has a guaranteed thickness of the finished layer, which is predetermined in the factory, without relying on the competency of the installer. This is particularly important on large podium slabs, where some areas of the concrete finish can be quite rough and uneven. System 17000 provides a greater level of protection which results in increased longevity and reduced risk of damage by other trades. Compared to traditional podium waterproofing products, System 17000 is extremely labour efficient and cost effective.
The Eco-Roof reservoir board selected, offers the best performance in terms of the balance between water attenuation and sufficient drainage. The mineral drain aggregate used to fill the cuspates of the egg-crate style reservoir board, gives excellent dimensional stability and added water retention capacity. These products provide a solid base layer from which to build areas of hard landscaping and other features, whilst still allowing free drainage of excess run-off water.
The products were carefully selected and a comprehensive specification compiled by the Bailey Technical Department. The specification consisted of a System 17000 APP underlay together with an anti-root sanded capsheet to ensure a durable and long lasting waterproofing layer which would be unaffected by root penetration from the planting. On areas of exposed upstands, a mineral finish capsheet was chosen to achieve the desired appearance. Complex details were made waterproof by using a number of products from Baileys innovative range of components.
One area of the specification that required particular attention was the drainage/reservoir layer. Due to specific water attenuation requirements on the site, Baileys Technical Department worked through a series of complicated calculations to ensure all the conditions were met.
Bailey worked closely with the specialist sub-contractor to ensure a successful installation in accordance with the specification. Baileys technical expertise and practical on site assistance enabled difficult details to be installed correctly. At Bailey, project policing is considered to be the key contributing factor to a successful project.
Regular site inspections were conducted by Baileys technical personnel, and progress reports produced, meaning any issues could be resolved early in the process, avoiding problems further down the line. Prior to the installation of the landscaping, the waterproofing layer was subject to a thorough electronic leak test, further highlighting any minor concerns which could then be easily rectified. Upon final inspection an insurance backed guarantee for 20 years was issued, giving the client additional assurance and peace of mind.