TORMAX created a contemporary entrance for the transformed Power Road Studios in Chiswick.
Working with IDF Aluminium Ltd, TORMAX provided invisible automation to two sets of automatic glass swing doors with the iMotion 1401 operators.
Power Road Studios is a creative campus that comprises of five, multi-let studio buildings. The bright, loft-style workspaces retain the architectural features of their warehouse origins and include a communal courtyard and onsite café.
The space between the two sets of swing doors acts as a functional lobby that helps maintain the ambient temperature of the staffed reception area.
In-house designed at the TORMAX HQ in Switzerland, the complete range of advanced iMotion door operators have none of the parts that usually wear out, such as gears and brushes. This unique design feature significantly extends the lifespan of the operator as well as delivers outstanding reliability, even in busy locations.
In addition to creating a truly minimalist entrance, the iMotion 1401 operator is also ideal for heritage locations where the architectural integrity of the building must be maintained. Concealed beneath the threshold, automation really is invisible, combining the convenience of an automatic door within a traditional-style entrance.
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