Kemper System’s Kemperol 2K-PUR solvent-free and odourless waterproofing membrane has been used to refurbish the roof of Poole Hospital’s outpatient department, ensuring that the project avoided any odours that could become a nuisance to staff and patients in the unit or the surrounding wards.
The cold-applied liquid membrane was installed by contractor, Hi Tec Roof Systems, overlaying the existing single ply membrane on the 480m2 roof. The Kemperol 2K-PUR membrane was selected for the scheme to ensure minimum disruption at the hospital as it is completely odourless throughout the installation process, required no strip out of the existing roof substrate, no hot works and no wait time between applications of resin.
Hi Tec Roof Systems cleaned and prepared the roof, applying a fungicidal wash to completely remove any contaminants before applying a Kempertec primer. The Kemperol 2K-PUR resin was then applied in a single wet-on-wet process in which the resin is first applied to the substrate; reinforcement fleece is then laid directly on to the wet resin, immediately followed by more resin on top. This ensures complete saturation of the reinforcement fleece.
Steve Mulcock from Hi Tec Roof Systems said: "The cold-applied liquid system ensured we could handle the awkward shapes and details of the roof’s quadrangle layout.”
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