A new guide explaining the LEED and BREEAM environmental assessment schemes has been produced by Kingspan Access Floors.
The guide outlines how both schemes operate and how Kingspans raised access flooring can help companies to gain accreditation under the schemes.
Kingspan Access Floors Managing Director Terry Newman said: We have produced this guide because feedback from our customers has highlighted that there is a need for clarity about both the LEED and BREEAM standards. People are not sure how the schemes work and how they can gain the necessary points and credits to become accredited.
As well as explaining both schemes, the guide also outlines Kingspans own environmental innovations and successes. These include:
Implementing a pioneering recycling scheme to reduce the waste to landfill that is generated by the installation of access floors.
Achieving virtually zero waste to landfill at its Hull manufacturing site.
Gaining third party chain of custody accreditation under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) scheme.
Gaining product range specification in prestigious green developments throughout the world.
Using low emission vehicles to deliver Kingspan access flooring throughout the UK.
To request a free copy of the new guide companies should email their contact details to info@kingspanaccessfloors.co.uk