Limescale prevention sweet deal for food manufacturer

Limescale prevention sweet deal for food manufacturer

A forward-thinking global food manufacturer has realised enormous benefits through the adoption of a KalGUARD® limescale prevention water treatment system from Sentinel Commercial.

The investment, which has been used to solve limescale issues previously affecting the batch sugar dissolution tank feed system at one of the manufacturer’s UK plants, has made a significant difference, avoiding unscheduled downtime, increasing component longevity and saving on production costs.

In fact, results have been so impressive that the manufacturer has since installed two further KalGUARD units in order to treat all of the factory’s process water and mains water supplies.

Prior to adopting KalGUARD, the vessel suffered from hard and tenacious limescale deposits on its inner surfaces, as might be expected of water heated to this high temperature. Shortly after KalGUARD’s installation, the manufacturing plant noticed a substantial difference to the tank base, which - for the first time - appeared clean and free of deposits (in fact, power tool scoring marks from a pre-installation clean were still visible). The walls of the vessel were also free of limescale deposits.

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