Masonry Protection Package Eliminates Construction Problems

Masonry Protection Package Eliminates Construction Problems

Cavity wall openings must appropriately interface lintel/opening protection with vertical reveal-closing protection. The construction arrangement need not be problematic where the external skin style and the frame setback are non-standard. What is essential is that the relationship between both is correctly formed and provision is made for water evacuation.

With the growing use of composite (faced-brick effect) lintels and deeper masonry reveal arrangements, the benefit of ‘Opening Protection Packages’ is highlighted. Cavity Trays of Yeovil is now supplying Opening Protection Packages, offering preformed solutions that not only provide an assured detail but also reduce wastage and eliminate construction fabrication error.

Type C Cavitrays are preformed protective trays for use with all styles of lintel support. As well as being ready-shaped they are supplied cut to length, thus the usual necessity of having to cut damp course, arrange it and then support it within both skins (to provide shape) are eliminated. Preformed also means there is no danger of sagging or distortion – common with soft roll dpc. Trays can be instantly incorporated and a consistent detail established every time. The ends of each tray project and oversail the tops of the vertical Cavicloser built in to close, insulate and act as a damp course between outer and inner skins.

In the example photograph, the oversail was extended to terminate in excess of 225mm beyond the masonry opening. This overcame the problem of water evacuation not being possible through the faced composite lintel and permitted the use of discreet Caviweeps within the perp joints away from the masonry opening.

Visually the use of preformed Cavitrays, Caviclosers and Caviweeps extends the design options available to the Architect and Contractor whilst promoting functionality without sacrificing aesthetics. Type C Cavitrays/profiles are available to suit standard and non-standard opening arrangements. Caviclosers are available to suit walls of all styles with cavity widths up to 200mm. Six styles of Caviweep/Cavivent are offered to harmonise with the masonry and /or mortar.

Opening Protection Packages do exactly what they say. And the elimination of waste is accompanied with accurate costing and accurate scheduling.

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