25-33 Babington Lane has been transformed into modern student accommodation, providing 108 studio apartments. The empty building had once been home to a nightclub and large retail unit.
A gym and cinema room are located at basement level, with a self-contained ground floor retail unit.
D+H UK supplied, installed and commissioned smoke ventilation systems within the renovated building.
Smoke shafts run from the basement up to the fourth floor. Dampers are located on each level, with NSHEV (Natural Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilator) Dome Vents on the roof.
Additional NSHEV Dome Vents serve as fresh air inlets above each staircase.
In the event of a fire the local head of stair NSHEV will open to bring fresh air into the affected area.
Simultaneously, the local corridor damper and head of shaft NSHEV will open. All other corridor dampers will remain closed to create a chimney effect, drawing smoke up and out of the affected area.
D+H UK service and maintain these systems, ensuring their continued reliability.