New Fan Mounting Guarantees Lower Energy Consumption

New Fan Mounting Guarantees Lower Energy Consumption

To assist the increased need for low energy options, Fläkt Woods has developed a unique protected design for a mounting configuration named Twist Wing that can accommodate foot mounted IE2 category motors and maintain high fan efficiencies.

As the legislation to increase electrical motor efficiency is to be imposed in 2011, the need to incorporate the minimum standard IE2 efficiency motors will mean that the traditional pad-mounted motors utilised by Fläkt Woods will replaced with foot-mounted versions.

The use of foot-mounted motors in small diameter fans up to 1,000mm has always reduced the fan performance and efficiency as they create obstructions to smooth airflow and difficulties in maintaining critical dimensional aspects in assembly.

Fläkt Woods’ unique design approach has been developed to allow improved performances and efficiency when using foot-mounted motors – and heralds a new generation of fans from a truly innovative world leader.

Paul Wenden, Engineering and Marketing Director comments, “We are extremely proud to have developed a concept that breaks the mould in fan design. The challenge to incorporate the required IE2 category motors whilst maintaining aerodynamic performance required a team approach between Engineering and Operations – as the initial ‘origami’ concept proposed by our Technical Manager, Iain Kinghorn, was at first thought impossible to manufacture. The Operations team led by Paul Hunter then developed a manufacturing process not used before and have come up with an effective solution in terms of both performance and cost.”

“We are now developing this concept for larger fans, as by using the more readily available foot mounted motors we can protect our customers from escalating costs associated with OEM pad motor solutions.”

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