New Look get new cycle shelters

New Look get new cycle shelters

Bailey Streetscene have recently completed a project for high street retailer New Look.

The scheme supported New Looks travel to work plan, enabling staff at their distribution centre in Staffordshire to get healthy and active by cycling to work. One of the main barriers to staff cycling to work is the lack of provision for a dedicated, secure and dry cycle storage facility at employer’s premises.

Bailey Streetscene manufactured and installed two Bromley Cycle Shelters (10.5m), at the rear of the staff car park, for ease of access and use. With a capacity for up to 26 cycles, the bike storage shelters were also supplied with integral cycle hoops, allowing staff to securely lock their bikes during working hours, for peace of mind.

Nick Jones - Projects Manager for New Look said "The shelters look great and I have received lots of positive comments from staff". “I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Bailey Streetscene for the great service they provided; it was instrumental in my choice of provider for the shelters.”

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