Oasis Academy, Enfield

Oasis Academy, Enfield

Oasis Academy, Enfield

Architects: Capita Architecture
Client: Oasis Community Learning
Flooring contractor: Pica Floorings Ltd
Type of works: installation of Junckers SylvaSport Premium hardwood flooring.

Junckers solid hardwood floors continue to be the flooring of choice in the education sector. Capita Architecture specified Junckers Beech for the new, state of the art Oasis Academy in Enfield. The academy, one of many Oasis projects undertaken by Capita Architecture, is sponsored by Oasis Community Learning, part of the Oasis Global family, a charity which provides educational, healthcare and housing projects throughout the world.

Over 1,500m² of Junckers PEFC-certified 22mm SylvaSport Premium multi-purpose floors were laid with specialist Junckers New Era UnoBat undercarriage systems in several areas – the Agora, main hall, the assembly hall, as well as the sports hall and a dance studio. Said Tony Davey, of Capita Architecture: “The client requested a robust, low-maintenance surface that would allow multiple use, yet maintained ‘front of house’ appearance. We employ a rigorous specification procedure to ensure each product is appropriate for its proposed use, is environmentally considerate, provides the desired appearance and is within the allotted budget – Junckers’ flooring met all these criteria.”

The Junckers approved flooring contractors were Pica Floorings Ltd part of Junckers approved flooring contractors network.

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