Office development, Bolton

Office development, Bolton

Office development, Bolton

Type of works: Redland Landmark Slates offer storm-proof protection to offices.

A full dry-fix specification provides guaranteed long-term, low maintenance, storm-proof performance for this new office development in Bolton roofed with 3,000m2 of Redland Landmark Slates.

This performance comes with Redland’s 15-year Roof System Guarantee for weathertightness and durability, because it complies with all the manufacturer’s recommendations according to the SpecMaster service supplied by the company’s Technical Solutions team.

Hips and ridges have mechanical-fix fittings from the Rapid Range, which shave a third off the installation times compared to mortar. Ventilation is provided by Rapid Vented Ridge used in combination with Spirtech vapour permeable underlay.

Redland’s maintenance-free Ambi-Dry Verge System simplified the build, one unit fitting either the left or right-hand verge and again eliminating wet trades along with the need for an undercloak.

Dry-fix systems are available to match all Redland’s tiles and slates, with installation courses provided at the company’s training centre.

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