LANDFORM in partnership with the Environment Agency, Mouchel and Peter Brett Associates is delivering an afternoon seminar and discussion on the topical area of flood risk management. This event specifically looks at stakeholder interaction, the delivery of leadership and partnerships building on key lessons learnt from existing local authority functions and good practice..
Vital elements
Industry and government responses to the Pitt review of the 2007 flooding reinforce the belief by many that leadership, partnerships and participation seem more than ever to be vital in flood and coastal erosion risk management. The draft Flood and Water Management Bill proposes different structures and frameworks for flood risk management requiring open and trusting dialogues as well as relationship building.
As a not-for-profit network working to promote the exchange of knowledge LANDFORM is offering this FREE seminar primarily to those working at, or with local authorities on flood risk management with an interest in how leadership, partnerships and stakeholder engagement can help deliver local flood risk management.
There are numerous stakeholders involved in the management of flood risk therefore leadership is required from central government, local government and the Environment Agency. The role of partnerships and participation is nothing new to most of these stakeholders. Many lessons learnt from existing approaches to engagement in the community could be applied to the challenges of flood risk management.
Speaker line-up
The speaker line-up is predominantly from local government. The Environment Agencys Steve Cook will provide an outline of their strategic overview for flooding and what it means for stakeholder engagement. Other presentations include local authority representatives sharing their experiences with Kathy Derrick, from Bristol City Council talking about lessons learnt on environmental enhancement projects and Peter Frew, and David Sellers from North Norfolk District Council and Leeds City Council respectively, talking about their specific experiences relating to flood and coastal erosion risk management.
For more information about the event and the network, please visit