Power to the people: Green energy bonanza announced today

Power to the people: Green energy bonanza announced today

- BWEA hails introduction of financial incentives for small scale renewables
- 1 kilowatt hour of wind energy to get up to 34.5 pence
- Case studies show householders will get significant cash payments for green energy.

The feed-in tariff, a government backed financial incentive that pays owners of small scale renewable energy devices a fixed premium for every unit of electricity generated, will come into force in April. BWEA, the UK’s leading renewable energy trade association, hailed today’s publication of feed-in tariff payment rates as a further step in the ‘green energy revolution’ changing the way electricity is generated and used in Britain. The new green incentives will stimulate the growth of the UK small wind manufacturing industry, the only microgeneration technology in which the UK leads the world.

The Association calculates that the feed-in tariff could pay up to £10,000 per annum to an owner of an 11kW small wind turbine in a location with good wind speeds. The range of tariff levels is such that it encourages all levels of investment, from householders and farmers to small and medium sized businesses. Wind energy is set to get from 4.5 pence to 34.5 pence per kilowatt hour, making wind turbines an attractive proposition for everyone with a good location.

Maria McCaffery, BWEA Chief Executive, said: “The feed-in tariff has encouraged substantial renewable energy deployment across Europe and we are certain that it will have the same effect in Britain. In time, it will significantly increase the proportion of electricity generated by all small renewable energy devices, while fostering self reliance and clearly establishing the link between generation and consumption of electricity.”

In two examples, the Association has highlighted that an 11kW device with an installation cost of around £44,000 at site with a wind speed of around 5 meters per second could yield a total income of £10,026 per annum; while a 6kW device costing in the region of £22,000 under the same parameters could return £3420 per annum. These examples are typical of the expected 5-10 year payback for well-located small wind systems.

Alex Murley, BWEA Head of Small Systems, said: “Today's announcement on feed in tariffs is a historic day for UK citizens, the UK energy sector, and anyone interested in reducing their energy bills.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has unveiled a tremendous policy agenda that will stimulate UK small scale wind manufacturing, create thousands of UK jobs, and transform national attitudes towards energy generation and use.

To expedite this green energy bonanza we now need the introduction of Permitted Development Orders, to ensure that installing your own turbine is a routine and streamlined process."

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