Schöck's Isokorb® types K, KS, KST and KXT are all now registered officially as a system by LABC, the membership organisation representing local authorities in England and Wales.
The purpose of registered details is to enable developers, architects, designers, technical specifiers and contractors to register or use existing design details to minimise the building control checking and approvals process.
LABC achieves this by coordinating the technical application of the Building Regulations and influences new or revised regulations covering new technology, new building methods and environmental performance. LABC also provides a national marketing function to build awareness of local authority building control amongst the public, developers, designers and contractors.
In recent years local authority building control teams have shifted the emphasis of their work from "tick box" checking at the end of building projects to helping developers, designers and builders to make the best choices when planning projects. This change of emphasis achieves high quality building without expensive corrections happening late in the construction.