Selux UK LTD

Selux UK LTD

T(01926) 833 455
F(01926) 339 844
WVisit Selux UK LTD's website
 Harwoods House, Banbury Road, Ashorne, Warwickshire, CV35 0AA
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Trade names

Aira Cylinder, Aira Sphere, Alpha, Antares, Arca, Astro, Avanza, Beta Lantern, Charge + Light, Discera, Elo, Façade Module, Felix, Gobo, Histo, Initio, Inula, Jessica, Lanova, Lif, Line, Lukida, Mistella, Notch, Olivio, Olivio Gobo, Rondero, Saturn, Smart City, Solar, Sombreo, Trigo, Tritec, Twinspot, Urbi, Yloo

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